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Men of Xi Gamma

* = Omega Chapter

Precursor- Randy C. Allen


James Brightman

Bruce Bryant
Alex J. Clinton 

Steven Q. Edwards
Oliver Gills
Emerson Jones
Willie Taylor
Joseph G. Williams

Honorary Members​

Terry M. Riley

Robert Southgate

Terry Allen

Reggie Allen

"Royal Tuts"


1. Kent Davis

2. Chet Johnson

3. Mike Nix

"Ramses III"

1. Harold Hickman*

2. Darryl Newsom

3. Ronald Prather

"Determined Soul"

1. Michael K. Harris


1. Craig Bates

2. Keith Hubbard

3. Michael Hughes

4. Wayne James*

5. Timbo Jones

6. Rick Reynolds

7. Rodney Robinson

8. Will Scott

9. Duncan T. Smith

10. Charles Taylor*

11. Kenneth Williams


1. Marquis Scott   

2. Kenneth Bolden

3. Lee-Roy 



1. Mark "Bird"Gladney​

2. Shay Lewis​

3. ​Pernell  "Capt. Blood" Witherspoon


1. Ernest "Blue"Edwards​

2. Glenn Edwards​

3. Derrick Philips​

4. John Shelton


1. Keith Daily

2. Virgil Smith

3. Darrin White


1. Darrel Hayes

2. Warren "Fish" Herring

3. Ralph Jefferson

4. Mark "Capt. Cujo" Jones

5. Terry Moore

6. Darryl "Bloodshot" Witherspoon*


"Hard Knox"

1. Leonard P. Brown"L.B"

2. Shawn"Bam-Bam"    Hayden

3. Craig Jeffrey

4. Marcellus Jones

5. Dwayne "Casio" Hickman

6. Brian Willis*

7. Eric Witherspoon


1. Marty Dalton


1. Ray Green

2. Daryl Jackson "D-Ice"

3. Terrence Parker

4. Larry Purdue

5. Colby Potts

6. Ronnie "Black Magic" Randle

7. Ronnel Smith

"4 Chosen to be Frozen"

1. Peru El-Amin

2. Demon Glenn

3. Julius Gurlly

4. Sondra' Rhodes


1. Brian Burton

2. Anthony "BOE" Carter

3. Stanley Parker

4. Sherron Rives

5. Ramon Robinson

6. Tony Williams

7. Byron Witherspoon


1. Terrance Branch

2. Steve Bryant

3.  Djuan Coleman

4. Stanford Cooper

5. Kevin Crosby

6. Tony Douglas

7. Wayne Easter

8. Kevin Hill

9. Derek Hudson*

10. Julius Jones

11. Rob Kirkland

12. Bobby Kirkwood

13. Craig Lee

14. Glenn Norwood

15. David Riley

16. Derrick Smith

17. Lawrence Taylor

18. David Thomas

19. Kenric Williams

20. Darell "Yogi" Yates 

"2 Below Zero"

1. Shawn Harris

2. Dorian Orr

"2 Concrete"

1. Dante' Bryant

2. Tyrone Turner

"Legacy 5" 

1. Gerrion Fountain

2. Jason Acklin

3. Kenneth Joy

4. Aaron Lane

5. Shawn Fisher


1. Joe Roberds

2. Dale Thompson

3. Uchena Attah


1. Eugene Staten

2. Garvin Ambrose


1. Travion Brock

2. Russell Crawford

3. Temitope "Tope" Ogunyomi

4. Aristeve "Steve" Townsend

5. Emanuel Opoku

6. Jason "Debo" Wells

"One Long Journey"

1. Michael Irving

"3rd Dynasty" 

1. Zachary Hubbard

2. Damien Myers

3. Reginald Keith Robinson

"4th Amendment"

1. Elliot Nelson

2. Martell Whitehorn

3. Errol Tate

4. Eric Green

"Civil Disobedience"

1. George Medley

2. Sam Thomas

3. Dave Jenkins

4. Eric Womack

5. Nick Alexander

6. Dominic Griffin

"Phrozen Chaos"

1. Chris Butler

2. Tyrone Gordon

3. Brandon Hatcher

4. Shay Lewis Jr. 

5. Shawn Easterwood


1. Brandon Simpson

2. Ted Hughes

3. Adam Brown

4. Samora Goodson

"A.L.P.H.A Caine"

1. Westley Steele

2. Ryan Williams

3. Eric Linningham

"Sole Determination"

1. Martise Cohen


1. Frederick L. Burns II

2. William Brown

3. Derrick Smith

4. Joe Hill

5. Tony Gregory

6. Dominick Gregory

7. Antoine Smith

8. Craig Robinson

"Body Count"

1. Derrion L. Henderson

2. Brandon Willis


1. Raymond Buchanan

2. Martez Byrth Jr

3. Chandelor James

4. Jeremiah Hathorn

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​Copyright 2013, Xi Gamma of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity , Inc

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated is not responsible for the design and content of these web pages. They are the sole property and responsibility of the Xi Gamma Chapter who hosts and maintains this website.

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